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What are the uses of sweepers?

Now there are three kinds of navigation, laser navigation and visual navigation and gyroscope navigation, these three kinds of navigation determine the level of intelligence sweeping robot. Popular is the laser navigation, laser navigation robot in the scan map when the scan can be 360 ° scanning, advanced laser navigation, can be more rapid and accurate scanning. Visual navigation is to install a camera in front of the sweeping robot, can scan the objects in front to draw, but also can do high-precision drawing. Gyroscopic navigation, which draws maps based on collisions, was the scanning feature of the first sweeping robots and has been phased out. Therefore, in the current sweeping robot market, laser navigation is advanced one, if you want to sweep robot useful, buy laser navigation is the choice. Did the floor sweeper work? The second point is to see the sweeping robot ground cleaning capacity, the majority of domestic sweeping robots have mop function, so the cleaning capacity is divided into sweep and mop.

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